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Hi! I’m SunnyMonster (and no, my first name is not Sunny, but you could call me that if you wish) and this is my personal website (wHo WoUlD’vE kNoWn!!11!11!). Here you will find my blogs where I will occasionally share things that I happen to be doing at any given time. You will also find links to my projects.

Who am I exactly? #

I am an amateur programmer, composer and conlanger. For programming and conlanging, I have never really finished any projects that I’m happy with. Although I am starting to make a voxel engine in Rust called Ruxel which I am hoping to bring to a decent state where I can call it one of my projects. I have been working on and off on some languages but I don’t really have a plan yet. For composing, I have written 2 pieces for symphony orchestra, which you can find on my YouTube channel. I will link more of my projects on Projects.