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Mod Installation Guide for Build AGS Server

·703 words·4 mins

In order to join the Build AGS server, you will have to have some mods installed. Since these mods are quite specific to this server, it is recommended that you install it using something like Prism Launcher so that it does not interfere with your existing Minecraft setups.

Step 0: Install Java #

If you are unsure about if you have Java or not, skip this step for now as you will find out later.
  1. Go to
  2. Make a note of the operating system and architecture on your screen. (If somehow your operating system and architecture is not listed, I expect you to know what your OS is [Windows, Mac or Linux] and assume x64 for architecture if you are on Windows and Linux and aarch64 for M1 or later Macs and x64 for older Macs.)
    Screenshot of Adoptium Homepage
  3. Click Other platforms and versions.
  4. Select your operating system and architecture based on what was listed on the homepage.
  5. Select JRE for package type (unless you also need Java for programming, in which case select JDK).
  6. Select 17 - LTS for the version.
  7. Download the .msi for Windows, .pkg for Mac and .tar.gz for Linux (unless you have a very good reason why you would go for something other than that)
  8. Run through the installer.

Step 1: Install and Set Up Prism #

  1. Head to, download and install it.
  2. Open Prism.
  3. Choose your language and click Next.
  4. If you don’t see Java versions listed, please follow the instructions in Step 0, otherwise simply accept the default selection and click Next.
  5. Customise your launcher if you wish and click Finish.

Step 2: Create an Instance #

If you’d like some functionality from Optifine like zooming, FPS boosts, or shaders, skip this step and go on to Step 2.5.
  1. Create an instance.
    Screenshot of an arrow pointing to Add Instance button
  2. Give the instance a name, select 1.20.1 and Fabric as the mod loader.
    Screenshot of create instance dialog

Step 2.5: Fabulously Optimised #

Skip this step if you followed Step 2.
  1. Create an instance.
    Screenshot of an arrow pointing to Add Instance button
  2. Select Modrinth on the left, and search for Fabulously Optimised
  3. Select version 5.4.1 for 1.20.1
    Fabulously optimised version
  4. Give your instance a name and click OK.

Step 3: Install Mods #

  1. Select the instance you just created, and click edit on the right panel.
  2. Click Mods on the left.
  3. Click Download Mods on the right.
  4. Search for Fabric API and add mod for download. (Do NOT download this if you followed Step 2.5)
    Fabric API
  5. Select Curseforge, and search for Chisels & Bits in that order and add mod for download.
    Chisels & Bits
  6. Search for Pehkui and add mod for download.
  7. Press Review and Confirm.

Now you can simply launch your game.

Tips for using these mods #

Chisels and Bits #

This mod allows you to place and destroy individual pixels from a block. You can simply go into your creative inventory, press the arrows on the right and go to the next page of the tabs and you will find the bit blocks and the chisels.

Simply hold a chisel or a bit in your hand to break and place bits. You can also press shift and scroll to change the area you want to place in. Or, you can shift while dragging with either left or right click to break or place an area of bits.

World Edit #

Every world edit command starts with //. //wand will give you a wooden axe which you will use to select areas. To learn how to use World Edit, you can watch the following video.

Pehkui #

This mod is installed so that it is easier for you to see what you are chiselling out. The only command you really need to know is /scale. Simply use /scale set <scale> @s to change your size. If <scale> is 1 then you will become normal sized, 2 means you are two times as big as normal, and 0.5 means you are half as big as normal.

For more commands, go to the mod’s Modrinth Page.

Fabulously Optimised #

If you followed Step 2.5, then you have installed the Fabulously Optimised modpack. The modpack includes Optifine alternatives that work well with Fabric mods. They include the famous Optifine zoom, FPS boosts, connected textures, and some quality of life changes.

Read its documentation to find out more about the modpack.